Melissa's Lowfat Honey Applesauce Cake

We all know we want all that processed flour, fats, and sugars out of our diet and it is so wonderful that we can use Applesauce as a fantastic substitute for fat and some sugar. I added my own honey to this cake as a natural sweetener. I also wanted to incorporate some Oats because we all know how great Oatmeal is for you so I whizzed up some Oats in my Vita Mix to create my own flour and combined that with King Arthur Whole Wheat so as to have that whole grain goodness. You could use eggs if you desired by I used an Egg Substitute and I know some people have good success not using any eggs at all or using sour cream instead. I opted for the egg substitute because I wanted the cake like consistency. The Almonds and Almond Extract (only use a very small amount) give the cake a nice flavor, something a little different. I don't want to make an icing, I want the cake to stand on it's own with taste, consistency, health benefits, and all round deliciousness so I decided to use a bundt pan to give the cake some shape and interest. This cake makes the house smell fantastic, there is nothing like an applesauce cake in the oven! Happy Fall!

Melissa's Lowfat Honey Applesauce Cake
1/2 c. eggbeaters or other egg substitute (equivalent of 2 eggs)
2. c. No Sugar Added Applesauce
3/4 c. Honey (I used my own backyard Honey available )
1 c. Oat Flour (I made this in my Vita Mix Blender from Oatmeal)
1 1/2 c. King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour
1 Tbs. Chia Seeds
1/2 c. chopped Almonds (or other nut)
1/2 c. dried cranberries (or other dried fruit)
3 Tsp. Baking Powder
1 Tsp. Baking Soda
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp. Almond Extract
Combine Ingredients in a mixer (adding nuts and dried fruit lastly) and beat together slowly till throughly combined. Do not over beat. Pour into a greased bundt cake or tube pan and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 50 minutes.
Serve slices either plain or drizzled with a bit of honey.
Happy Baking,
Melissa Abbott
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