It's been a long winter and a couple of weeks ago started feeding the hives some sugar water to make sure they get a good start this year.
My Spring Sugar Water Feeding Recipe
12 c. Spring Water near boiling
12 c. White Sugar
Add Sugar to near boiling water and mix with a wire whisk to dissolve sugars. I just mix it all up in a large stainless steel pan in my kitchen. Let cool.
I add 4 teaspoons of ProHealth Feeding Stimulant with Essential Oils to the cooled sugar water. There is Lemongrass and Spearmint Oils in this mixture and the Bees really like it. I also spray a mixture of ProHealth and water in a spray bottle on the supers and frames when I put on a new super. It really helps the bees to start production on the frames right away.
I store the Bee Food in Spring Water Jugs in a cool place and it lasts for about 2 weeks.
I like the Rapid Feeder (Bee Works You put it over the inner cover in an empty super and can fill it without disturbing the bees. I think Ruhl Bee Supply has something similar.
ReplyDeleteTake two bee pollen tablets once or twice daily with meals, or as recommended by your health care professional. Scientists have found that bee pollen retains its antioxidant potency for up to three years during storage under household conditions.bee hive nuc